+66 (0) 26798777


OFFICE TIME 8:00am- 4.00pm

Monday to Friday


AQI Level at Thung Wat Don, Sathorn Station is:

128 (47.8 µg/m³).

Crescent International School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment. The AQI policy outlines the procedures and actions to be taken based on the air quality levels as reported by local authorities.

AQI Levels and Actions:

AQI Level Descriptions Actions Communication
0-100 Good to Moderate No action necessary. All outdoor activities proceed as usual. No action necessary. All outdoor activities proceed as usual.
101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups Activities continue as planned. Sensitive groups should limit prolonged exposure. Wear PM2.5 certified mask. Outdoor activities may continue with caution. No notification necessary. Sensitive groups advised to take precautions.
151-200 Unhealthy for general public Limit outdoor activities. Sensitive groups should avoid all outdoor exertion. Outdoor activities reduced to very short duration exposure. School to modify activities. Notification to Staff.
201-300 Very unhealthy All outdoor activities cancelled, or moved indoors. Ensure indoor air quality is maintained. Notification sent to all staff and school to adjust activities as needed.
301-500 Extremely unhealthy Everyone remains indoors except for essential movement; all outdoors and off-campus activities are cancelled. Notification sent to all staff and school with instructions to remain indoors.

Monitoring and Communication:
The school administration will monitor AQI levels daily through reliable sources: Air4Thai Station: Thung Wat Don, Sathon. / APP: Air4Thai
Updates and necessary actions will be communicated to students, staff, and parents via email, school website, and announcements.

Emergency Response:
In case of sudden deterioration in air quality, the school will implement emergency protocols, including immediate cessation of outdoor activities and potential school closure.

Review and Updates:
The AQI policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure it remains effective and aligned with local health guidelines.

Download the Air4Thai App and search for Thung Wat Don, Sathon: