+66 (0) 26798777


OFFICE TIME 8:00am- 4.00pm

Monday to Friday


By connecting and using CIS network, you agree to the terms and conditions set in this CIS BYOD Policy.

Crescent International School (CIS) is committed to aiding students and teachers in creating a learning environment where students develop the skills, dispositions and behaviors necessary for responsible citizenship in a global community.

CIS has developed this BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy in the belief that a policy is a suitable way for the school to provide teachers and students opportunities to extend and enrich learning by-

● Shifting instruction towards more engaging, autonomous, student-centered learning where inquiry and authentic learning are emphasized. (Skill Based)

● Focusing on learning, including critical and creative thinking, collaboration, communication, self-direction, and global and cultural awareness.

● Using online learning tools and digital content.

With their parents’ or guardian’s knowledge and permission, students of the Middle and Secondary School levels may use their privately-owned internet-enabled device on the school’s wireless network subject to teacher and staff permission.

By giving permission, parents/guardians acknowledge adherence to all the schools’ policies concerning the internet and social network usage, including the Acceptable Use Policy, Digital Citizenship Policy, Anti-harassment Policy, and Behaviour Policy.

This policy applies to users throughout the school as well as visiting professionals that access CIS’s networks, and use their internet-enabled devices to complete work.

This policy also applies to self-directed learning, teaching, and for recreational activities. CIS’s BYOD Program is applicable to all administration, teachers, and staff throughout the school and to the students of the Middle and Secondary schools.

BYOD refers to any personally-owned internet-enabled device used to complete assignments, projects, and other work. These devices include, but are not limited to- computers (laptops, tablets, iPads), all types of mobile phones and devices, and any other technologies as they come into use.

The use of personally-owned Wi-Fi devices on CIS’s Networks is a privilege, not a right.

Anyone connecting and using their personal devices to the CIS BYOD are required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of this BYOD Policy and are subject to its terms, conditions, and consequences.

This policy is in line with the school’s other policies and statements related to the use of the internet, including the Board Policy Handbook, the Student Handbook, the Acceptable Use Policy, Anti-harassment Policy, and Behaviour Policy.

All users of the school’s networks are bound by the fair use of internet provision, and must agree not to abuse or overuse available internet capacity.

Use of your Device

For an individual to bring and use his/her personal devices at Crescent International School, all school policies, including the BYOD policy, must be understood, agreed to, and adhered to by:

● Charging locations at CIS are extremely limited and students cannot expect to charge their devices at school. The devices should be fully charged prior to bringing them to school, and should be able to run off battery power while being used throughout the day.

● Personally owned devices should never be connected directly to the school’s wired/wireless network without IT Department/office knowledge and permission. Misuse of this provision will result in severe consequences.

● All devices used on the CIS networks must have an up-to-date anti-virus/ anti-malware program installed and enabled at all times. CIS is not responsible for damage or data loss caused by malicious programs accessed through the CIS networks including CIS BYOD.

● Each teacher has the discretion to allow and to regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom and on specific projects. Teachers may choose to use them on some days and not others, use them every day or not use them at all. Students must comply with the teacher’s decisions on the use of devices. While in class, personal devices may not be used for non-instructional purposes (making personal phone calls, text messaging, etc.)

● The device volume should be off or on silent mode when in school, unless otherwise authorised by the teacher, so as not to disturb others.

● Students, parents/ guardians, and other users acknowledge that CIS Internet access and information gathered while using it will go through the school’s content filters which may not be bypassed. Students may only use their devices to access files on internet sites which are relevant to classroom assignments, activities and the curriculum. Some sites, like social media are blocked by CIS’s firewall.

● To show respect for the rights of others, and to follow the CIS privacy policy and Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act BE 2562 (PDPA), students may not use devices to record, transmit, or post photographic images, audio or video or reference to a person or persons (students, teachers, staff, etc.) on school property or during school activities without the consent of the person/ persons or otherwise allowed by a teacher. Devices must not be used to transmit content of a bullying nature or that violate local laws at any time.

● Games are not permitted without teacher permission.

● Access to school printers from the CIS BYOD is not available.

● Infecting any CIS property with any virus, Trojan, or malware or the use of a program that damages, alters, destroys, or provides access to unauthorised data/information is considered a serious violation. This includes bypassing network security provisions.

● The BYOD network is accessible only through the use of the student’s unique username and password.

● Students must not share passwords, use others’ passwords, access others’ accounts, or attempt to work around the school filter, network, or Internet. Students are advised not to lend their devices to others.

Note: Devices are brought to school at the students’ and parents’/guardian’s own risk.


The individual owner is responsible for the security and safety of the device. Individuals are encouraged to utilise security methods to protect their devices.

Students should label their personal device with a symbol or icon for ready identification. In addition, they should place and enable secure user access passwords associated with the device, and not loan or allow anyone else to use their personal device at any time.


CIS assumes no liability for personal devices used brought to the school, including but not limited to loss, theft, damage, or unauthorized access to personal data. Students/Parents are responsible for the cost of repairs or replacement of their personal devices.

CIS is not responsible for management, troubleshooting, technical support, or repair of personally owned devices.

Verification and Checking of Devices

Students must comply with all CIS policies and procedures regarding the use of personal devices brought to school for learning purposes only. This includes abiding by local laws, regulations, and industry standards. CIS reserves the right to check and monitor connections to ensure compliance with these laws and regulations.


Violation of Crescent International School’s rules and use policies for internet access can result in a loss of access privileges, a prohibition of the use of the student’s device within CIS, detention, and even suspension or expulsion, if the violation warrants.