+66 (0) 26798777


OFFICE TIME 8:00am- 4.00pm

Monday to Friday



Crescent prepares students to sit the Edexcel IGCSE, AS, and A-level examinations at the end of their Year 11, Year 12, and Year 13 academic years. For the non-IGCSE and A-level subjects that do not follow Edexcel (PE, Quran, & Thai Culture), we have worked as a team to adapt a variety of curricula to create a CIS International curriculum that best suits the needs of our students.

Senior school also provides a wealth of opportunities for student leadership, including Head Boy and Girl, school prefects, student council, and sports council. Students are either appointed or elected to their positions and help build an atmosphere of cooperation and unity in the school, fostering a sense of community through organising school events and promoting school spirit. 


The International General Certificate of Secondary Education is a two-year program that begins in Year 10 and ends with an official examination in May/June of Year 11. As an Edexcel center, our students sit their exams in-house and select courses allow for the opportunity to complete internally assessed coursework during the programme.

At the start of Year 10, students select either the Pure Science stream (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) or the Combined stream (Combined Science, Business Studies, Economics) and take the regular required subjects of English, Mathematics, Computer Science, Thai Language & Culture, Physical Education, and the elective courses of Islamic Studies & Quran and English Literature.


A-Level is an internationally recognized two-year program that allows students to specialise in a select number of courses to narrow their focus of study. In Year 12-13, students begin studying AS Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. They sit the AS examination at the end of Year 12 and the A-Level examination at the end of Year 13. 

Year 12 and Year 13 students are also encouraged to begin planning for their future by participating in regular university preparation classes, as well as individual sessions with our school’s academic advisors. Students work to develop their resumes, research colleges and scholarships, and apply to their desired programmes.

Students of an A-level programme graduate with a strong foundation for their chosen subjects, which leads to a smooth and successful transition to university. Many universities, both in Thailand and abroad, accept A-levels as an equivalent to the introduction course of these subjects, so students have an opportunity to advance to the second semester of university immediately upon the graduation of high school.

Congratulations to all of our IGCSE students!

Together with our A Level results, we are proud of our students who got excellent and impressive marks on the Examinations.

A Level Result 2021
Subjects A* A B
Biology 2 1
Physics 1
Chemistry 2
Mathematics 2
Total 7 1


AS Level Result 2021
Subjects A B
Biology 4
Physics 2 1
Chemistry 2
Mathematics 1 2
Total 9 3


IGCSE Results 2021
Subjects 9 8 7 6
English Language 5 4 2 1
English Literature 1 5 2 2
Mathematics 3 2 5
Physics 1 5 1 2
Chemistry 1 2 2 2
Biology 1 4 3
Combined Science 1
Business 2
Economics 1 1
Computer Science 1 1 3
Islamic Studies 5 1 3
Total 15 29 17 14


An extra shout out to the following students who
ahcieved 8 or more, and A – A* for A & AS Level.
Mohamed Nayas  (IGCSE – Y11) Yassen (AS Level)
Mohamed Afeef (IGCSE -Y11) Fahim (AS Level)
Aasiyah  (IGCSE – Y11) Tariq (AS Level)
Hafsa (IGCSE – Y11) Sanan (A Level)
Linna Awouda (IGCSE – Y11) Salih Awouda (A Level)
Saddiah  (IGCSE – Y11)