+66 (0) 26798777


OFFICE TIME 8:00am- 4.00pm

Monday to Friday



Crescent International School, Bangkok encourages friendly relations and mutual respect throughout the school community. Such an atmosphere is a positive example for the school’s students and a necessary foundation for their successful personal, social and academic development.

From time to time, disagreements or problems do arise. Our aim is to resolve such difficulties swiftly and informally, so that good relations may be resumed without delay.

However, if that does not prove possible, the following procedure should be followed.

Stage 1: Informal resolution

It is hoped that most complaints and concerns will be resolved quickly and informally.

If parents have a complaint they should normally, in the first instance, contact the class teacher or subject teacher. If this person cannot resolve the matter alone, he/she may need to consult with their appropriate line manager.

Complaints made directly to the School Leadership Team (SLT) or the Chief Administrator will be referred directly to the relevant person (as above) unless it is of a very serious nature and they deem it appropriate to deal with the matter personally. Otherwise, the chain as described above is to be respected.

In all cases, there will be a written record of complaints and concerns, to include the date received and the action taken. The school will attempt to resolve all informal complaints within three working days.

Should a satisfactory resolution not be achieved the parents will be advised to proceed with their complaint in accordance with Stage 2 of this procedure.

Stage 2: Formal resolution

If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis, parents should put their complaint in writing to the SLT who will decide, after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take.

In most cases, the SLT will meet or speak to the parents concerned, normally within five working days of receiving the complaint, to discuss the matter. If possible, a resolution will be reached at this stage.

It may be necessary for the SLT to carry out further investigations. The SLT will advise the parents how long the investigation is likely to take. The SLT will attempt to carryout the investigation and resolve the issue within five working days. If it is going to take longer he will communicate this to the parents.

The SLT will keep written records of all meetings and interviews held in relation to the formal complaint.

Once the SLT is satisfied that, so far as practicable, all the relevant facts have been established, a decision will be made and parents will be informed of this decision in writing. The SLT will give reasons for his decision.

If the complaint concerns the Principal or the Chief Administrator, then parents should put their complaint in writing to the Chairman of the School Board. The Chairman can be contacted either using naite14us@gmail.com or by leaving a sealed letter at the school reception.

Please note that any complaints received by the Chairman that have not first been brought to the appropriate people in Stage 1 and 2 above, will not be addressed.

The Chairman will hold final decision, and will rely on the SLT for Academic decisions, and the Chief Administrator for Non-Academic decisions.

General points

The school will keep records of any formal complaint for three years. At all stages of a complaint, the school recognises the need for confidentiality.

However, the school reserves the right to consult an appropriate statutory or professional body.


Our complaints (grievance) policy can be accessed and downloaded from the Engage Parents Portal. Please feel free to review it at your convenience.